NYFF57: Exclusive Interview with Wallace Shawn

SEAN KELSO: So do you have any strong thoughts on the news that The Princess Bride might get a reboot?

WALLACE SHAWN: Well, um, I don't know if there will be interest in a sequel or reboot. I mean, uh, a lot of people have expressed harsh criticisms over the idea. So, I'm betting it won't happen. I think if it did happen, they would want new actors, a new Vizzini.

SK: In terms of this project (Marriage Story), is there anything that surprised you about working with Noah and the cast?

WS: Uh, yeah, I was just surprised that they were such great actors. That's about it. 

Sean Kelso is the founder & editor-in-chief of Greyscale. 

Seán Kelso

Founder & Editor-in-Chief


The Apocalypse is Here: Out of Left Quadrant


NYFF57: Exclusive Interview with Scarlett Johansson